Let`S Learn The Armenian Alphabet

Why Greeks and Turks hate each other. For Greek readers Why Turks hate Greeks. What do our teachers tell us. Greek reader, about the conduct of our. We, Greeks we never started a war against. Based on over 16,000 votes, French is currently number 1 out of 131 choices. Agree Disagree Place your vote on the list of Top 10 Best Sounding Languages. Learn Armenian through our lessons such as alphabet, adjectives, nouns, plural, gender, numbers, phrases, grammar, vocabulary, verbs, exam, audio, translation, and. Let`S Learn The Armenian Alphabet' title='Let`S Learn The Armenian Alphabet' />Let`S Learn The Armenian AlphabetLet`S Learn The Armenian AlphabetWe have always been attacked first We always. And if your memory leaps back to antiquity, and try to argue. Free online language lessons for anyone who wants to try to learn how to communicate with other people from around the world. Let`S Learn The Armenian Alphabet' title='Let`S Learn The Armenian Alphabet' />Alexander attacked the Persian Empire without first. Alexander brought civilization. East He didnt just conquer them, he. But look, in all. Persians attacked ancient Greece, the Ottomans attacked. Byzantium, the Italians and Germans attacked us in WWII. Vietnamese, Japanese, and English are among the most difficult languages to learn. Other extremely difficult languages include. The Gurmukhi script has roots in the Brahmi script like most Indian, Tibetan, and Southeast Asian languages. In a cursory look, the Gurmukhi script appears different. Grammar. a prefixed vowel or a lengthening of the initial vowel that characterizes certain forms in the nonpresent inflection of verbs in Greek, Sanskrit, Armenian. Language is a medium of communication come to form well back 1,00,000 years. The first spoken form of language hasnt still accounted and dont exist in the world. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Gslting to Norrral. THE. FOURTH MITTENNIUM. SOCIDIY A NotforProfit, Public Benefit Corporation. Normal is one of the most frequently used words in the Armenian. Learn The Aramenian. If you fell in love with Armenian culture just like I did, eventually you will start looking into learning Armenian language. And. now, write 1. I will never again argue against my. Okay. maybe I exaggerated a. I remember having been told as a child about. Alexander and his civilizing only conquest, explicitly. And. nothing can be further from the truth. Our ancestors our very. We attacked them, burned their. Those. neighbors of ours were the Turks. And thats the main reason why. You didnt learn this part of. They presented you things as if we Greeks were the. They told you its called The Asia Minor Catastrophe, which means a national. Greeks poor us Such hapless victims that we. Turks, they caused a catastrophe, a disaster to us Arent we so right to hate them Perhaps you didnt even. The historical events of the. Asia Minor Catastrophe are strategically placed at such a. Saved by the bell, as they say in English. And even if your. The. textbook concentrates on the aftermath of the disaster. Greeks as victims, not on how the whole incident. I know youll hate me with all. Twin Of Twins Vol 10 there. Greek heart for what youre about to read now, but. I cant care less. Better to learn the truth and hate. And the story goes like this. Back then, up until the Asia. Minor Catastrophe, our ancestors had an idea that was. The idea was always speaking to. Greek consciousness, and they thought it was a. In fact, thats how they referred to it the. Great Idea Megali Idea. It was the idea of conquering the. East, and especially the. City the. ex capital of the Byzantine Empire. Today hardly any Greek knows. Great Idea was, because especially after the Asia. Minor Catastrophe it lost its glory and even its meaning, so we. Only the Turks. think that we still know what the Great Idea is. They. think we Greeks still covet their largest city, Istanbul. But. they are wrong. Yes, my dear Turk since you were curious. I wrote for the other side, please note that hardly any Greek. Megali Idea is, and only a few die hard. All in. due time, it will belong to us again But such extremist. Greece today they play no. As I said, however, back then. Great Idea. And once, as WWI. There was no Turkey back. In 1. 91. 9, there was only a crumbling Ottoman Empire, which. WWI, was seeing its territories. The winners included Britain. France, and Italy, and they invited the Greeks to invade the western. Asia Minor todays west coasts of Turkey, as a reward. And our ancestors, with the. Great Idea always at work in their heads, agreed and sent their. Greeks who were inhabiting those lands. When. they first landed in the city of Smyrna Izmir, in May 1. History books. say the Turkish army had withdrawn inland, unable to confront. Greeks, but the fleets of the Great Powers. The unfortunate events started a little later. During the years from 1. Anatolia, especially. Smyrna. They won some battles, such as near the. Meander river Menderes, in Peramos Karyaka, and in. Philadelphia Alaehir. To American readers thats the. Philadelphia, the one from which your famous city. I give those names in Greek is. Greek cities originally since antiquity. Turks gave them Turkish names. Unfortunately, our Greek ancestors didnt exactly. There are reports from independent. For example The American Lieutenant. General James Harbord wrote, describing to the American. Senate the first months of the occupation The Greek troops. Greeks who had joined them in arms started a. Mussulmen population in which the. Ottoman officers and soldiers as well as the. A British officer reported. Taner Akam There was not. Turks at the time of. Greek occupation. Yet the Greeks are persisting in their. Turks and rape and kill women and young girls and throttle. Harold Armstrong, a. British officer who was a member of the Inter Allied. Commission, reported that as the Greeks pushed out from. Smynra, they massacred and raped civilians, and burned and. Arnold J. Toynbee, the. British historian, reported that he and his wife witnessed. Greeks in the Yalova, Gemlik, and. Izmit areas.   Not only did they obtain abundant. Greek civilians and arsons by. Greek soldiers in uniform, caught in the act of. Marjorie Housepian wrote. Smyrna Muslims were killed by Greek forces. Johannes Kolmodin, a. Swedish orientalist in Smyrna, wrote in his letters that the. Greek army had burned 2. Turkish villages. The Inter Allied. May 2. 3, 1. 92. 1 A. Greek headquarters. The members of the. Commission consider that, in the part of the kazas of Yalova. Gemlik occupied by the Greek army, there is a systematic. Turkish villages and extinction of. Muslim population. This plan is being carried out by. Greek and Armenian bands, which appear to operate under. Greek instructions and sometimes even with the assistance of. But when the Turks started. Kemal Atatrk. assumed the leadership of their army, the Greeks started. By 1. 92. 2. the Great Powers had changed their plans, and abandoned the. Greeks in Anatolia, who now had not a good line of supplies, not. They were fighting in a land they never. Turks were fighting for what. That, and the fact that the. Kmspico 10.1.9 Final more. Turks were getting ammunition from the newly formed Soviet Union. Lenin navely thought of Atatrk. The problem. is, the Greeks didnt just retreat nicely and kindly to return. They burned villages, killed. Smyrna Sydney Nettleton Fisher, a. Middle East, wrote The Greek army in. Turkish villagers in its. Norman M. Naimark noted. The Greek retreat was even more devastating for the local. James Loder Park, the U. S. Vice Consul in Constantinople at the time, who toured much. Greek. evacuation, described as follows what he saw Manisa. Cassaba Turgutlu was a town of. Muslims. Of these. Turks only 6,0. 00 could be accounted for among the. Turks were known to have been shot or. Of the 2,0. 00 buildings that constituted the. Ample testimony was. Greek soldiers, assisted by a number of Greek. Armenian civilians. Kerosene and gasoline were freely. In Philadelphia Alaehir, hand pumps were used. As we. examined the ruins of the city, we discovered a number of. Upon our insistence a number of. Greek retreat. through PhiladelphiaPark concluded as follows The destruction of the. Greeks. The percentages of. Manisa 9. 0 percent, Cassaba Turgutlu 9. Philadelphia Alaehir 7. Salihli 6. 5 percent. The burning of these. There were many instances. Without complete figures, which were impossible to. Greeks numbered well into thousands in the four. These consisted of all three of. Those are just a few of the. Turks. You can find them all in. Wikipedia page, which is a good starting point. And. since you are so good in heroic cyber battles, my brave young. Greek cyber warriors, you may go and dig up more information. Internet, which is all available at your fingertips. Learn first, reserve judgment for later. Of course I am aware of. Turks against Greeks the civilians, not. Turks started getting the upper hand in that. Of course I know about what we call the Pontian genocide. Start by looking at the same link I gave above.

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