Download Exploring Corporate Strategy
City centre regeneration and investment strategy. Our City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy outlines an exciting vision to develop a world class city centre for the future. A thriving city centre is vital to the prosperity of the whole city and the region. Around two thirds of all jobs in Belfast are located in and around the city centre, so everything that we do to enhance it will benefit the city as a whole. The strategy sets out our collective ambition for the continued growth and regeneration of the city core and its surrounding areas to 2. It has been shaped by extensive engagement with stakeholders and contains a roadmap of policies to guide city centre decision making and key projects that translate those policies into action. Draft car parking strategy and action plan consultation. Our City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy identified car parking as a major issue for Belfast city centre and recommended that we work with the Department for Infrastructure Df. Download Exploring Corporate Strategy' title='Download Exploring Corporate Strategy' />I to develop and implement a strategy for car parking for Belfast. Parking is an important aspect of modern day life and is important for accessibility and economic growth of cities. We want to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to comment on our parking strategy so that we can ensure it is fit for purpose and meets the many needs of our city and those who live here and visit. The consultation has now closed. Core principles. We are determined that the regeneration of our city centre will drive not just economic growth but social benefits. The strategy therefore includes a commitment to ongoing engagement with local people to ensure that the social impact of regeneration is maximised. The strategy is based on several core principles. It will aim to increase the employment populationincrease the residential populationmanage the retail offermaximise the tourism opportunitycreate a regional learning and innovation centrecreate a green centre, accessible to cyclists and walkersconnect to the city aroundenhance shared space and social impact. Deadly Rooms Of Death Crack Version Of Internet. Implementation. Now that the strategy has been finalised, we need to focus on delivery as we will only realise our aspirations for the city centre by ensuring that the projects, policies and opportunities described are followed through and delivered. Download Exploring Corporate Strategy' title='Download Exploring Corporate Strategy' />The next step involves working in partnership with the relevant stakeholders and statutory authorities to developing implementation plans including, but not limited to plans for each of the five Special Action Areasexploring potential for public realm schemes and enhancing city streetsfurthering regeneration schemes including the North East Quartersupporting major projects including the proposed Transport Hub and Belfast Rapid Transitconsideration of the social impacts of the strategy and development of a social impact plandevelopment of a city transport and parking strategycreating a plan for the digital and creative sectordeveloping a festivals strategycreating a cultural plan. Other plans and strategies will also undoubtedly follow, all of which will be shaped by the emerging Belfast Agenda. City Centre Development Fund. We have now established an 1. City Centre Development Fund which we will use to kick start some projects in partnership with the private sector. The stakeholders from across the city who were central in developing the strategy also have vital roles to play in delivering it. We will therefore continue to work in partnership on its implementation for the benefit of everyone in the city. We are committed to being the best in our markets and exploring fresh opportunities to diversify and grow. A policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure.
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